Hot Shots is Tennis Australia’s official modified program for kids starting tennis. Using smaller courts, lower nets, lighter racquets and low-compression balls that don’t bounce as high make learning tennis fun and easy for children aged 4-10.
BLUE STAGE 4 - 5 Years
Focuses on motor skill development, the coaches deliver fun activities that are centred around developing the players throwing, catching, balance and movement.
These skills are vital for each player to aid their progression through the following Red, Orange and Green Stages of the Hot Shots Program.
RED STAGE 4 - 6 Years Introducing and developing tennis specific skills, basic strategies and the rally
Fun, friends, game-based
Values: Fair play, persistence, working well with others
Larger balls (25% compression)
Smaller courts (mini nets)
Smaller racquets (21/23 inches)
ORANGE STAGE 7 - 9 Years Progressing and extending tennis specific skills, strategies and matchplay
Fun, friends, game-based
Values: Resilience, respectful relationships
Regular sized balls (50% compression)
Normal courts and nets (reduced width and length)
Smaller racquets (23/25 inches)
GREEN STAGE 9 - 11 Years Extending and refining tennis specific skills and strategies, problem-solving, analysing
Fun, friends, game-based
Values: Leadership, resilience, empathy, sensitivity
Regular sized balls (75% compression)
Normal courts and nets
Smaller racquets (25/26 inches)